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Art Therapy : A Creative Meditation

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Walk, Run, Hustle, Jump, Scream, Work - in spite of our busy lives and hectic schedules, we all are always trying to add balance and bring focus to our lives.

We have adopted different methods to inculcate peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. These include a healthy diet, power yoga, minimalist approach, therapies and of course, meditation and many more mind and soul healing techniques.

Out of all these, meditation is the simplest practice that helps you connect with your higher self and develop a positive attitude towards life. Meditation doesn't teach you how to get rid of your thoughts, rather it channelizes your thought process and energy to bring out a better you and move forward without losing focus.

The only way to meditate is not just by sitting with closed eyes and palms on your knees, there is much more to meditation than this. It is not about how you do it, it is always about what and why you do it. Learning to control your thoughts is the core of meditation and there is more than one way to do it.

Before you learn to control your thoughts, you must learn to express them. You should be able to express your thoughts in such a way, that you don't lose focus even in the most chaotic situations. When you are able to do this, then you can find peace and silence despite the hustles of your everyday life.

Not necessary, that only words can express your thoughts. Colours and paints are a favourite of many people to express their life and thoughts, but at the same time keep it concealed from the world. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words. Life is like a blank canvas, each day we add colours and brush strokes, and that is how the painting of our life is created.

Each colour and every stroke in a painting has a thought of its own. Art is something that makes you breathe a different level of happiness. It lets you express emotions and yet holds the power to not let the thoughts affect you. Art enables you to open up and feel free, thus giving you much-needed satisfaction and control over yourself.

Being an artist means forever healing your own wounds and at the same time exposing them without affecting your peace. Art speaks the language of the soul and helps us see connections within ourselves. Practising art is a must for good mental health.

Practising art for a minimum of 7 minutes every day, helps the neurons to relax and refresh and then work more actively. Art has also been recommended by psychologists to improve concentration, focus and solve anger issues. Art is a therapy with no side-effects, but a promise to help you deal with any kind of situation in life.

Art makes you more empathetic and tolerant towards the problems in your life. It imbibes in you a more positive approach towards the world. Art is not just about the pretty things, but also about finding perfection in the most imperfect things; the very essence of meditation. Art is not different from meditation, it is meditation through expression. You don't have to close your eyes, in fact it opens up a completely new world before you.

Even, Earth without art is just Eh!!

You don't have to be a professional or an expert to practice creative meditation, you just have to start creating art !!

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Saswat Soumyakant
Saswat Soumyakant
26 พ.ค. 2563

Beautifully written, just scrolling the contents and reading between the lines day-in & out...

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